Young Musicians Project
Young people and new musicians have few opportunities in West Wales to get together to learn how to play together, especially with the jazz format. This project will provide an opportunity for people who have some developing musical skill and bring them together to explore their individual music skills, experience social interaction, build personal confidence and develop team playing.
We are part of the Jazz Explorers Cymru group who are continuingly developing avenues to bring together the musical talents and expertise of many professional jazz musicians to help with the development of the musical abilities of prospective jazz musicians. We have equipment and some instruments that could be loaned to students in some circumstances.
We hope to begin later in 2025. We are looking for:
- New musicians who would like to join the group
- A Manager/Organiser who will be offered a modest fee per meeting
- Volunteer Tutors
If you are interested please let us know as soon as possible.
- Age? Under 16, 16-25, over 25
- Interested to participate as a Musician / Manager / Volunteer
- Name
- E-mail address
- Phone no.
Please tell us your thoughts by using this “Contact Us ” or by the button at the top of the Menu bar above.
Thank You.