Membership Join Narberth Jazz and support live music in Pembrokeshire. Date: Name: Phone: Email I am over the age of 16 years YesNo Please tick the box / boxes below to confirm the Narberth Jazz Club have permission to contact you by one or both methods regarding the activities of the Club and its administration Events: TelephoneEmail Admin: TelephoneEmail Please note the Narberth Jazz Club will not share your personal data with any other body or organisation without your explicit written authority Membership Subscription Annual Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December Membership: Standard (£15) "Student [IFTE; 16 and over] (Free)" I wish to make a donation: Total payment: Please make a payment by bank transfer to: Narberth Jazz, HSBC, account number: 11620630 sort code: 40-23-21 or go to the Events/Tickets & Membership Renewal page and pay that way. Thank you. Δ Thank you for your support.