January 2025 news

Narberth Jazz News for January 2025

Greetings  Jazz lovers,

Happy New Year, may 2025 be full of love, peace and good music for you.

Our performances started the new year with a very happy and high energy night of dance music with THE NUMBERS RACKET; with Dom Norcross and Elaina Hoss Thursday 16th January.

This long running band six piece jump and jive band have been keeping dancers swinging for quite a few years now and led by our own Narberth sax star, DomNorcross.The bands featured singer is Elaina Hoss who has appeared with Dom on many occasions.

Next month we bring to you  KEITH LITTLE SWING FOUR on Thursday 20th February.

The Keith Little swing four ensemble, featuring acclaimed trumpet player Gethin Liddington. Known for his virtuosic skill and dynamic performances, Liddington brings a vibrant energy to the group, elevating their performances with his masterful command of jazz and swing.

Their repertoire ranges from classic jazz standards to lively swing numbers, ensuring an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages.

With each performance, the Keith Little Swing Four captures the essence of the golden age of jazz, blending technical precision with infectious rhythm.

Their music is guaranteed to get toes tapping and spirits lifted.

Please renew your Membership this month to enable Jazz in Narberth to be live and thrive.

To renew for 2025 visit our website www.narberthjazz.wales
Click on “Events/Tickets and Membership Renewal” and “Get Tickets” which will allow secure Card payment.
Or if you prefer pay by BACS transfer to:- HSBC bank, Narberth Jazz,
Sort Code 40-23-21. Account Number 11620630
Note: The Payee Account Type is ‘BUSINESS’

Best wishes

The NJ Team